Friday, December 27, 2019
Financial Analysis of CanGo - 1656 Words
The company of CanGo lack in many areas that prevents it from being a successful business in the future. Many problems can be found between its managers and employees. It is imperative for CanGo to better understand its company by making wiser business decisions in the future. One important recommendation for CanGo is to adopt a mission and vision statement. By creating a mission and vision statement, CanGo will have something to look forward to in the future. The mission and vision statement will narrow the focus of CanGo and enable it to choose only the path that best fits the company. Up to this point, CanGo has made decisions without thinking how these decisions will affect the company in the long run. However, if CanGo adopts a mission and vision statement, their standing would improve among its competitors since everyone would be on one accord with what the company is set out to achieve and accomplish. In this paper, I will provide a financial analysis of CanGo. Later, I will p rovide strategic recommendations that will guarantee a brighter future for CanGo. CanGo has experienced many financial problems due to poor decision making. For example, in 2009, CanGo used proceeds from IPO, better known as initial public offering, to buy an online gaming company. This was a poor investment based on two reasons. First of all, it can be very difficult to predict how a stock will fare off on its first day of trading versus upcoming days in the future. Second, initial publicShow MoreRelatedCango Week 3 Financial Analysis803 Words  | 4 Pagesour initial analysis last week, NewGen had the opportunity to review CanGo’s financial statement. The success of a business depends on its ability to remain profitable over the long term, while being able to pay all its financial obligations and earning above average returns. NewGen leveraged our knowledge of Investment rations, breaking our analysis down into four (4) key areas, efficiency, financial leverage, liquidi ty and profitability. Attached you will find our financial analysis summary matrixRead MoreFinancial Analysis1076 Words  | 5 PagesCango Financial CanGo Financial Analysis Report The success of a business depends on its ability to remain profitable over the long term, while being able to pay all its financial obligations and earning above average returns for its shareholders. This is made possible if the business is able to maximize on available opportunities and very efficiently and effectively use the resources it has to create maximum value for all involved stakeholders. One way the performance of a company can be measuredRead MoreCango: Strategic Management and Swot Analysis1501 Words  | 7 Pageshave taken place here at CanGo. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Should Psychotropic Drugs Be Used For Helping Adhd Children
The definition given by the DSM-IV encompasses three behaviors to be symptoms of ADHD: inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. This definition offers minimal understanding of this prevalent but yet misunderstood condition. Professionals from various fields and educational backgrounds have researched this disorder since its introduction in 1980, though they have discovered treatments to counter act some of the behaviors the causes and cure are yet to be found. Regardless of whether the approach to this epidemic is secular or religious, the 35 years of research for the cause and cure has not produced any definitive methods of treatment. ADHD is an issue that continues to devastate the lives of children, their families and everyone they relate to on a daily basis, and yet there remains a foundational question concerning resolving this disorder: Should Psychotropic Drugs be used in helping ADHD Children? In this paper I will discuss the key issues concerning the methods of diagnosis and medical treatments that are being utilized, what biblical principles relate to this major issue, and finally I will express my own viewpoint on the subject. Key Issues Originally referred to as ADD when it was introduced as a medical diagnosis in 1980, today the disorder is largely know as ADHD. There have been countless theories that have been considered concerning what could be the causes of this condition, from genetics, to parenting, some have even concluded that it isShow MoreRelatedPrescription Of Drug Drugs For Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder1402 Words  | 6 PagesThe over prescription of psychotropic drugs is becoming rampant in our society. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists have been replacing the â€Å"talk therapy†treatment, and are quick to replace this method with the use the pharmaceutical drugs, for treating mental illnesses (Conley, 2015, p. 434). In other words, they are turning to drugs instead of finding the real solution. Writing a prescription from a drug may be easy, but the side effects can be harmful, if not deadly. There are two particularRead MorePrescription Drugs And The United States An d New Zealand1719 Words  | 7 PagesConsumer Advertising There are only two countries that allow advertising of prescription drugs to consumers; the United States and New Zealand. Direct to consumer advertising (DTCA) is what they call the prescription drugs advertisements that are made specifically for the consumer. Pharmaceutical companies survival depends upon a gullible public buying what they are selling, whether you need it or not. Prescription drug advertising is in a different category than toothpaste advertising. Because the consumerRead MoreThe Benefits of Medical Marijuana Essay2564 Words  | 11 Pagesuse of prescription drugs. In the past 17 years, several states have recognized the benefits of legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana; California was the first state among the twenty to do so. California legalized medicinal marijuana November 5, 1996, but did not become effective until January 1, 2004. I think this had benefitted the state immensely helping people suffering from AIDS, anorexia, cancer, chronic pain and mental disorder. This is why I believe marijuana should be legalized for medicalRead More The Impact and History of Learning Disorders on Children Essay5477 Words  | 22 PagesThe Impact and History of Learning Disorders on Children In his 1954 majority opinion in Brown v. Board, Chief Justice Warren laid out concisely the fundamental role that education would play in postwar America: â€Å"Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It is required in the performanceRead MoreUnderstanding Autism Syndrome Disorders Essay2776 Words  | 12 Pagesbe difficult to obtain a diagnosis. Some children are initially misdiagnosed with other disorders, such as speech delay or ADHD. A clinician should be basing their diagnosis on both a personal interaction with the child and a discussion with the parents or their behavior in other settings. Children with autism are most likely to develop a developmental disorder with different discrepancies and difficulties at various ages. It is expected that children with autism will struggle with establishing
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Emotional Intelligence Applying Emotional Intelligence
Question: Explain about the Emotional Intelligence for Applying Emotional Intelligence? Answer: Introduction EQ is the ability to create a balance between knowing what person doesnt know and that what person knows can be improved. In an organization, the leader has two minds one that feels and another that thinks (Ealias and George 2012). EQ can use, identify and understand emotions in positive ways to get relief from high stress and refuse Framework of EQ Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the key to every managerial success. It consists of four basic attributes: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness and management of the relationship. As the researchers know that it is not the smartest person who are the most successful in life; people are preferable knowledgeable and yet they are mentally inept and failure at scheduled work or in personal relationships (Ciarrochi and Mayer 2013). Self-management helps to maintain personal competencies inside the organization by maintaining integrity; employees become flexible to handle challenges, which will assist them to achieve great success. Self-awareness helps to understand others emotions and feelings, helps to understand personal strengths and weaknesses to improve performances and to find out opportunities for future developments. Social awareness of EQ helps to understand current trends of the society to meet up the requirements of the clients for greater customer satisfactions (Ea lias and George 2012). Relationship management is another vital aspect of EQ, which helps the managers with strong leadership skills to guide the employees and engage them to achieve collective goals with social competencies. Figure 1: Components of Emotional Intelligence (Source: Martin-Raugh et al. 2016, pp-45) Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Behaviors In an organization structure of emotional competence is crucial for personal and social competencies. This aspect with organizational behaviors engages people, structure, environment and some administrative tools that help to increase the productivity of the company (Zeidner, Matthews and Robertsv 2012). Employees of the company are the living beings who serve people to meet organizational goals and objectives. If an emotionally intelligent manager can provide a healthy working for the environment by understanding their feelings and their requirements, an enthusiastic team will do good work which will increase the reputation of the organization. Emotional intelligence is needed for reconstructing the structure of the organization to ensure the fact that employees have a secure feature with improved behaviors (Murphy 2012). In order to make critical and crucial decisions for the organizations, higher authorities should have the capabilities to make a strong relationship with the colle agues for better communication purposes. Emotional intelligence must be inducted into the training program of the company to manage the working environment with active strategies. Case Study Researchers have observed a case study on AMADORI, which is as a supplier of McDonalds in Europe, assesses the aspects of emotional intelligence in organizational behaviors and links it to the individual performance and organizational performances. Managers performances, their leadership skills in this period, dropped the employees turnover by 63% (Ciarrochi and Mayer 2013). For this issue, Hr department of the organization has decided to integrate EQ process in their performance evaluation activities. This emotional intelligence process helps the higher authorities to develop a secure communication platform for achieving business goals successfully (Ealias and George 2012). Adopting of this activity, performance of this company has been improved with a significant growth which has been shown in the following figure Figure 1: Performance Improvements by EQ Process (Source: Kell et al. 2016, pp-42) The above case study will help the readers to understand the key drivers of emotional intelligence for organizational success. These key drivers are trust, motivation, change, teamwork, and execution. People working together in a workplace must have trust and confidence with each other to share ideas, feelings for achieving organizational goals. Motivation is much needed for a healthy working environment so that people feel energized to improve their works. The above case study shows that changes made in the performance management activities are very much needed to improve the performance of the company. Teamwork is another strong field of AMADORI, which helps them to compete with external challenges with confidence. Data for this particular case study has been collected from the interview sessions with the employees of AMADORI ad from the online surveys such as blogs, articles, and journals. References Ciarrochi, J. and Mayer, J.D., 2013.Applying emotional intelligence: A practitioner's guide. Psychology Press. Ealias, A. and George, J., 2012. Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: a correlational study.Research journal of commerce and behavioral science,1(4). Martin-Raugh, M.P., Kell, H.J. and Motowidlo, S.J., 2016. Prosocial knowledge mediates effects of agreeableness and emotional intelligence on prosocial behavior.Personality and Individual Differences,90, pp.41-49. Murphy, K.R., 2014.A critique of emotional intelligence: what are the problems and how can they be fixed?. Psychology Press. Zeidner, M., Matthews, G. and Roberts, R.D., 2012.What we know about emotional intelligence: How it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health. MIT press.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Scarlet Letter Essays (474 words) - English-language Films
Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter is all about symbolism. People and objects are symbolic of events and thoughts. Throughout the course of the book, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses Hester, Pearl, and Arthur Dimmesdale to signify Puritanic and Romantic philosophies. Hester Prynne, through the eyes of the Puritans, is an extreme sinner; she has gone against the Puritan ways, committing adultery. For this irrevocably harsh sin, she must wear a symbol of shame for the rest of her life. However, the Romantic philosophies of Hawthorne put down the Puritanic beliefs. She is a beautiful, young woman who has sinned, but is forgiven. Hawthorne portrays Hester as "divine maternity" and she can do no wrong. Not only Hester, but the physical scarlet letter, a Puritanical sign of disownment, is shown through the author's tone and diction as a beautiful, gold and colorful piece. Pearl, Hester's child, is portrayed Puritanically, as a child of sin who should be treated as such, ugly, evil, and shamed. The reader more evidently notices that Hawthorne carefully, and sometimes not subtly at all, places Pearl above the rest. She wears colorful clothes, is extremely smart, pretty, and nice. More often than not, she shows her intelligence and free thought, a trait of the Romantics. One of Pearl's favorite activities is playing with flowers and trees. (The reader will recall that anything affiliated with the forest was evil to Puritans. To Hawthorne, however, the forest was beautiful and natural.) "And she was gentler here [the forest] than in the grassy-margined streets of the settlement, or in her mother's cottage. The flowers appeared to know it" (194) Pearl fit in with natural things. Also, Pearl is always effervescent and joyous, which is definitely a negative to the Puritans. Pearl is a virtual shouting match between the Puritanical views and the Romantic ways. To most, but especially the Puritans, one of the most important members of a community is the religious leader; Arthur Dimmesdale is no exception. He was held above the rest, and this is proven in one of the first scenes of the book. As Hester is above the townspeople on a scaffold, Dimmesdale, Governor Wilson, and others are still above her. But, as the reader soon discovers, Arthur Dimmesdale is his own worst enemy. He hates himself and must physically inflict pain upon himself. "He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify, himself" to never forget what he has done (141). To Dimmesdale, it is bad that Hester is shown publicly as a sinner, but people forget that. What is far worse than public shame is Dimmesdale's own cruel inner shame. Knowing what only he and Hester know, the secret eats away at every fiber of Dimmesdale's being. As the Puritans hold up Dimmesdale, the Romantics level him as a human. The Scarlet Letter is a myriad of allegorical theories and philosophies. Ranging from Puritanic to Romantic, Nathaniel Hawthorne embodies his ideas to stress his Romantic philosophies through Pearl, Hester, and Dimmesdale throughout all of this.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Belleau wood essays
Belleau wood essays The battle of Belleau Wood, June 1-26 of 1918, was fought five miles immediately northwest of the town of Chateau-Thierry on the River Marne, The Aisne-Marne Sector. Belleau Wood was approximately a mile in length and of irregular shape. It was mostly heavily wooded, cut by a deep ravine on the southern section, and also huge boulders scattered the area. Marines fought one of their greatest battles in history at Belleau Wood. The Marines helped to crush a German offensive that threatened Paris. The three-week long battle was not a masterminds work. Rather, it was a confused mess; often enough the soldiers didnt know where they, the enemy, or the front line was located on that one mile-square dark, bloody forest. This made it almost impossible to communicate on accounts of location and progress during the actions. Prisoners were numbered into the hundreds. One day, after an attack, the prisoner count grew by more than 300. There had been 1200 Germans in the woods that day, and with the exception of those prisoners, nearly all the rest were slain by the marines. This shows the intensity of which the Americans fought. The prisoners reported that they were glad to have a chance to surrender, seeing as though the artillery fire for three days had cut off their food and other supplies. The American attack was a furious one in which the Germans were rather impressed. The battle of Belleau Wood was the first battle in which the AEF (Allied Expeditionary Forces) recorded major casualties associated with the Great War. On this day, the Marine Brigade suffered the worse single-days casualties in the history of the United States Marine Corps, with the killing of 1087 men killed or wounded. The characterization of the USMCs determination and dedication impressed the adversaries and also proved to both the allies and adversaries that America was on the Western Front to fight. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Hundred Years war essays
Hundred Years war essays The Hundred Years War was similar to that of the Civil War in my opinion. It was said to have been started by the English king, Edward III. In 1328 when Charles IV, king of France died without a male heir, Edward III claimed the throne via his mother who was Charles IV sister. The French however choose the first cousin of Charles IV, Phillip VI of Valios over Edward III. Edward III was a vassal of Phillip. He held several sizable French territories as fiefs from the King of France. The biggest reason in my opinion for the Hundred Years War was the conflict over Flanders. Flanders was an area under French rule that manufactured cloth that was Frances main industry. France depended on wool, which came from England. Edward III had all exporting of wool stopped. This affected both England and France because the French were unable to make money from the cloth and the English were unable to make money from selling the wool. This sparked urban rebellion by merchants and the trade guilds. A ngry over this event they organized a revolt, led by Jacob van Artevelde, against the French and in 1340 signed an alliance with England acknowledging Edward III as king of France. For the next six years Edward led several battles with the French and in 1356 the English won their greatest battle, were they took the French king, John II captive back to England. This caused a complete breakdown of political order to France. Money got so tight that the peasants were forced to pay an increase in taxes and to fix war damaged properties without compensation. The peasants grew tired of this mistreatment so they revolted. In 1360 England forced the Peace of Bretigny on the French, which declared an end to King Edwards vassalage to the king of France. It also affirmed Edwardss sovereignty over English territories in France. France agreed to pay a ransom of three million gold crowns for the release of John II. In return, Edward renounced his claim to the French...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial Crisis The Great Depression Coursework
Financial Crisis The Great Depression - Coursework Example They perceived to have transferred the risks by practising dependency on unregulated investors through mechanisms like Special Purpose Vehicles and Special Investment Vehicles (SPVs & SIVs). The current economic crisis thus occurred as the result of exposure to Market Risks due to such risk transfer mechanisms that caused many loopholes in the Credit & Liquidity Risk Management. The entire disaster happened in the lending to Sub-Prime customers in home mortgage markets, which are individuals or companies not having clean credit history or regular source of income. The banks lend loans to Sub-Prime customers to avail the benefits of higher interest rates and used the mechanism of "Securitization" to secure themselves that essentially is the mechanism of distributing the risk of the lending to the investors outside the Banking system through a process called "Conduiting". The process of "Securitization" gave confidence to banks in this risky business and hence resulted in the boom of C redit Derivative Market. The money was believed to be flowing through these "conduits" directly from "investors to the borrowers" through the SPV and SIV system. The risk assessors never imagined that the underlying collaterals (houses) will face a crash in prices to a global level that would be uncontrollable by even the governments. Even the external rating agencies couldn't predict the Sub-Prime crisis because the Securitization Process was extremely complex and the dependency of valuations was upon scattered and unreliable data inside as well as outside the core banking system. This system expanded uncontrollably and the market competitiveness increasing exponentially resulting in banks sanctioning loans bypassing essential procedures as if there was "no time for risk management". The actual risks got covered under hyped data and fair valuation became a matter of joke to be cracked. [Schmitz, Michael. C and Forray, Susan J. pp28-30; Clerc, Laurent. 2008. pp1-7] Objective of the Research The following are the main objectives of my research: 1. Find out what the cause/s of the current financial crisis is/are; 2. Find out what effect the crisis is having on the United Kingdom, for example in terms of monetary power, and; 3. How individuals and businesses are affected; 4. Conclude what is being done, and what can be done about our current
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