Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Belleau wood essays

Belleau wood essays The battle of Belleau Wood, June 1-26 of 1918, was fought five miles immediately northwest of the town of Chateau-Thierry on the River Marne, The Aisne-Marne Sector. Belleau Wood was approximately a mile in length and of irregular shape. It was mostly heavily wooded, cut by a deep ravine on the southern section, and also huge boulders scattered the area. Marines fought one of their greatest battles in history at Belleau Wood. The Marines helped to crush a German offensive that threatened Paris. The three-week long battle was not a masterminds work. Rather, it was a confused mess; often enough the soldiers didnt know where they, the enemy, or the front line was located on that one mile-square dark, bloody forest. This made it almost impossible to communicate on accounts of location and progress during the actions. Prisoners were numbered into the hundreds. One day, after an attack, the prisoner count grew by more than 300. There had been 1200 Germans in the woods that day, and with the exception of those prisoners, nearly all the rest were slain by the marines. This shows the intensity of which the Americans fought. The prisoners reported that they were glad to have a chance to surrender, seeing as though the artillery fire for three days had cut off their food and other supplies. The American attack was a furious one in which the Germans were rather impressed. The battle of Belleau Wood was the first battle in which the AEF (Allied Expeditionary Forces) recorded major casualties associated with the Great War. On this day, the Marine Brigade suffered the worse single-days casualties in the history of the United States Marine Corps, with the killing of 1087 men killed or wounded. The characterization of the USMCs determination and dedication impressed the adversaries and also proved to both the allies and adversaries that America was on the Western Front to fight. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hundred Years war essays

Hundred Years war essays The Hundred Years War was similar to that of the Civil War in my opinion. It was said to have been started by the English king, Edward III. In 1328 when Charles IV, king of France died without a male heir, Edward III claimed the throne via his mother who was Charles IV sister. The French however choose the first cousin of Charles IV, Phillip VI of Valios over Edward III. Edward III was a vassal of Phillip. He held several sizable French territories as fiefs from the King of France. The biggest reason in my opinion for the Hundred Years War was the conflict over Flanders. Flanders was an area under French rule that manufactured cloth that was Frances main industry. France depended on wool, which came from England. Edward III had all exporting of wool stopped. This affected both England and France because the French were unable to make money from the cloth and the English were unable to make money from selling the wool. This sparked urban rebellion by merchants and the trade guilds. A ngry over this event they organized a revolt, led by Jacob van Artevelde, against the French and in 1340 signed an alliance with England acknowledging Edward III as king of France. For the next six years Edward led several battles with the French and in 1356 the English won their greatest battle, were they took the French king, John II captive back to England. This caused a complete breakdown of political order to France. Money got so tight that the peasants were forced to pay an increase in taxes and to fix war damaged properties without compensation. The peasants grew tired of this mistreatment so they revolted. In 1360 England forced the Peace of Bretigny on the French, which declared an end to King Edwards vassalage to the king of France. It also affirmed Edwardss sovereignty over English territories in France. France agreed to pay a ransom of three million gold crowns for the release of John II. In return, Edward renounced his claim to the French...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Crisis The Great Depression Coursework

Financial Crisis The Great Depression - Coursework Example They perceived to have transferred the risks by practising dependency on unregulated investors through mechanisms like Special Purpose Vehicles and Special Investment Vehicles (SPVs & SIVs). The current economic crisis thus occurred as the result of exposure to Market Risks due to such risk transfer mechanisms that caused many loopholes in the Credit & Liquidity Risk Management. The entire disaster happened in the lending to Sub-Prime customers in home mortgage markets, which are individuals or companies not having clean credit history or regular source of income. The banks lend loans to Sub-Prime customers to avail the benefits of higher interest rates and used the mechanism of "Securitization" to secure themselves that essentially is the mechanism of distributing the risk of the lending to the investors outside the Banking system through a process called "Conduiting". The process of "Securitization" gave confidence to banks in this risky business and hence resulted in the boom of C redit Derivative Market. The money was believed to be flowing through these "conduits" directly from "investors to the borrowers" through the SPV and SIV system. The risk assessors never imagined that the underlying collaterals (houses) will face a crash in prices to a global level that would be uncontrollable by even the governments. Even the external rating agencies couldn't predict the Sub-Prime crisis because the Securitization Process was extremely complex and the dependency of valuations was upon scattered and unreliable data inside as well as outside the core banking system. This system expanded uncontrollably and the market competitiveness increasing exponentially resulting in banks sanctioning loans bypassing essential procedures as if there was "no time for risk management". The actual risks got covered under hyped data and fair valuation became a matter of joke to be cracked. [Schmitz, Michael. C and Forray, Susan J. pp28-30; Clerc, Laurent. 2008. pp1-7] Objective of the Research The following are the main objectives of my research: 1. Find out what the cause/s of the current financial crisis is/are; 2. Find out what effect the crisis is having on the United Kingdom, for example in terms of monetary power, and; 3. How individuals and businesses are affected; 4. Conclude what is being done, and what can be done about our current