Monday, May 25, 2020

My Life For A Road Trip - 1323 Words

Change It was the hottest summer in California, and of course this is the time my parents’ decided this would be a good time for a road trip. We went to LA for the weekend to visit my Grandma Jane and Grandpa Albert, but it was time to head back to Colorado where we had no beaches, but the air was somewhat cooler. All four of us--Mom, Dad, my older brother Eric, and myself, Chloe--all crowded in a 10 year old Subaru Outback with all the stuff we brought along. The air was blasting out of all the vents yet it wasn t doing much to counteract the hot sun shining through the window. It might not have been one of the best memories of my childhood, but I found myself holding on to it, because we were all together as a family. It s only been three years since the trip, but it felt like ten years had gone by. Eric was in college, and I had just started high school. It was September 21st, the day my parents told me that Dad was moving out and they decided to get a divorce. I sat in bed wondering What did i do? I kept on replaying the moment when they told me. I remember it started to get cold and rainy. From the moment I woke up I could feel something different. I thought it was just the weather that was changing, but it was something bigger. After lunch Mom and Dad sat me down on the brown leather couch between the two of them. Oh no. They just looked at each other. Mom took a breath and said straight out, â€Å"Chloe, I m sorry, butShow MoreRelatedMy Life For A Road Trip1323 Words   |  6 PagesIt was the hottest summer in California, and of course this is the time my parents’ decided this would be a good time for a road trip. We went to LA for the weekend to visit my Grandma Jane and Grandpa Albert, but it was time to head back to Colorado where we had no beaches, but the air was somewhat cooler. All four of us--Mom, Dad, my older brother Eric, and myself, Chloe--all crowded in a 10 year old Subaru Outback with all the stuff we brought along. The air was blastin g out of all the vents yetRead MoreUnplanned Roadtrip760 Words   |  4 PagesUnplanned Road trip The most people take risks to go on a road trip; some people believe it’s not important. Road trip is one of the most excited events. Road Trip is full of fun and people suffer through, some different experience. I was too excited when; I went last time with friends on a road trip and had lot of fun but planning play great role in road trip. On the Sunday morning, it was raining outside and I was getting bore at home. I called my friend and make a plan for road trip. I pickRead MoreSummer Road Trip1174 Words   |  5 PagesMy Summer Road Trip The late June Texas sun was hot as it came through the window of my Caliber. I had begun my road trip to the lake house in Mineola early that morning. I had dressed for comfort, wearing my blue shorts and my favorite worn out tee, I knew it was going to be a long hot drive. As I drove down the road, I soon realized that I had never been anywhere alone before. This was a new feeling to me, one of strength and fear rolled into one. While fighting the traffic to get out of townRead More Fort Bragg: My First Road Trip Essay1739 Words   |  7 PagesFort Bragg: My First Road Trip When you are a teenager you reach a certain point in your life when you want to be independent. You get this feeling that you want to do something on your own to prove you can. When I was seventeen, in the fall of 2001, I had that feeling that I needed to do something on my own. I needed an adventure to show everyone that I was old enough to be on my own for once. I needed something exciting and new. I talked to my friend Annie and we came up with aRead MoreRoad Trips in Literature: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Travels with Charlie970 Words   |  4 PagesRoad trips are known to be fun adventures. When someone says they are going on a road trip people expect them to go and see amazing places and then come back. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson, Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck and On the Road by Jack Kerouac are about road trips but these trips are not about the adventure. Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Sal from On the Road and Steinbeck from Travels with Charley all go on road trips because of the American driveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story The Kim Family 779 Words   |  4 PagesThanksgiving trip during winter weather was truly tragic. They made a decision to take a road trip under harsh weather conditions with limited amount of food and gas. They missed their exit, and decided to take an unknown, dangerous route where they got stuck for nine days. In my opinion, the moral of the story is to plan and prepare for a road trip especially under inclement weather. 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Anyways, it was my mother, my brothers, sister and her family, me and my girlfriend. Well, the car we were suppose to drive 5 hours north with was very cramped for all of us, so i asked my girlfriend if we could borrow her new car she just bought the day beforeRead MoreThe people around us make experiences great and unforgettable. I was oblivious to this fact before800 Words   |  4 Pagesfact before my first completely independent summer trip for three weeks. In the past, I always traveled with my parents. They were all great vacations but they were not planned or controlled by me. It was all up to my mom. This time, however, I was the one who found the opportunity to go to the seaside with a group of young people and spend 21 days there. My parents were happy to let me go on this trip; as they also saw it as an exciting opportunity. It was up to me to plan it all on my own. I learnedRead MoreThe City Of The Nairobi Airport1201 Words   |  5 Pagesinto Nairobi. The darkness was broken by the lights of the city and airfield. Touching down around 9:30 local time, I climbed wearily down the stairs and saw my first sight of Africa, the Nairobi airport. It didn’t look especially impressive and I only wanted to sleep because my body ached in a way that only eight hours in an airplane can do. My family was taken to customs; two hours later, we emerged, glad that we had hurdled our first obstacle. After, finding our driver, we had a 45 minute tour on

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Religion Is Good For Kids - 1158 Words

I believe that having a spiritual life is beneficial to growth and development over the lifespan. In fact, there are a lot of people that believe in a higher power and that this higher power has influence in their lives. Belief in a higher power/God provides comfort and support in times of need. Melinda Wenner, 2008 who wrote â€Å"Religion is good for kids,† states that kids who have religious parents are better behaved and control themselves much better than other kids. Wenner also sites a study that looks at how religion affects a child’s development. The study, she speaks of, was done by John Bartkowski, a sociologist and his fellow coworkers. The researchers used evidence obtained by over 16,000 first grade students and their parents. The research found that children who went to church and had parents that spoke with them about religion had better self-control and better social skills than those kids who did not have a spiritual parent (s), (Wenner, 2008). In addition, Bartkowski thinks that religion is good for children because it creates networks and support and can also help parents reinforce spirituality to their children. He also said that the values that children get from religious worshipers are pro-family and can help shape how children develop. I agree with the sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox who Melinda Wenner, 2008 quoted as saying that parents are more interested in their children going to heaven than going to college. Prayer and Meditation Amy KrentzmanShow MoreRelatedThe Real World And Morality Will Help Us Make The Point Essay1411 Words   |  6 Pagesto tell your kids that Santa Claus exists in order to give them gifts on Christmas day, you are completely out of your mind. Oh no! what am I saying? I meant if you think your kids should believe in a higher power so that they learn empathy, humility, and respect towards their fellow human beings, you are probably doing a bad job as a parent. I suggest you work on the adoption papers. This is not an attack on any specific religion. I come to believe as I am growing up that religion has certainlyRead More Religion and Faith Essay796 Words   |  4 Pages Religion/Faith nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Over the last several decades America has been evolving towards many significant changes. One of these changes has posed a question, whether or not America has become secular. Although we may be uncertain of many of these changes and how they will affect our future, the answer to our secularity is quite obvious. America has indeed become secular. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I think that in a society where being successful is everythingRead MoreInt Task 1 Essay767 Words   |  4 PagesEnvironments For Homeschooling: Retrieved July 25, 2013 from Wenner, M. (2008). Study: Religion is Good for Kids: Live Science Retrieved July 25, 2013 from Skurchak, G.( 2010). Homeschooling Effects on Children. Retrieved May 2, 2013 from MoreReligion Is A Belief System1584 Words   |  7 PagesIn the beginning of the semester during chapter 2, we were asked to define religion. I had defined religion as that it is â€Å"something of a higher power that people believe in† and that â€Å"it relates to many different aspects of life including indescribable events, how to act/rules of behavior and stories of how existance happened.† Today, I would change my definition of religion. I’ve learned that not all religions believe in a higher power. Buddhism falls into this category. Buddhists believe in teachingsRead MoreCharacteristics Of Ancient Egypt1172 Words   |  5 Pagesarmy, control the supply of food, collect taxes, and maintain industries. The Egyptians based their religion on gods and goddesses and the power the gods and goddesses had. They believed in the supernatural and that their lives were controlled by deities. There were two kingdoms, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. They each had their own religions. When the two kingdoms were combined, the religions and cultures combined to. The Egyptians were influenced by their main source of life, the Nile River. TheyRead MoreMy Views On Education 2051182 Words   |  5 Pagesand views that others have. It also opened up my thoughts and views I have on the world. I not only learned so much about different bias’ and assumptions but changed my view on one. I had a few assumptions and biases. I didn’t think frisking was a good thing and didn’t know it was still going on in New York city. I also found out the real definition of frisking. Another assumption I had was that Muslim’s believed in a different God than Catholics. I thought they worshipped so meone different and didn’tRead MoreMy Experience At The Vietnamese Buddhist Association Of Louisville, Ky Inc.1465 Words   |  6 Pagesclass I knew that I would be challenged to go to another religion service and I looked forward to it. It was a different, but interesting experience for me. I chose to go to the Vietnamese Buddhist Association of Louisville, Ky Inc. I will talk about the assumptions I had regarding the tradition before I discuss my experience at the temple. I came in knowing more than I would have because we had already discussed the Buddhist religion in class. The perception I had going in was very differentRead MoreThe Child s Right And An Open Future By Claudia Mills1496 Words   |  6 Pagesconvincing. I disagree with what she considers giving a child an â€Å"open† future and her criticisms of providing children an â€Å"open† future in terms of religion. I also believe that Mills has some strong points in regards to her criticisms a bout providing children with an â€Å"open† future in terms of talents and careers. Mills argues that it is impossible to provide kids with an open future in a meaningful way. She believes that every choice that we make opens one door and closes another. While I agree, I alsoRead MoreImpact of Indian Cinema1090 Words   |  5 Pagestheir favorite actor / actress with abundant affection and interest. Cinema has almost become a religion with the increase in number of such mad followers who can be termed as ‘ Cine extremists’ who would do anything for the cause of Cinema. Eminent Prose write John Ruskin in his work titled ‘ Sesame and lilies’ classifies books into a few broad categories which are ‘ Good books of the hour, Good books of all times, Bad books of the hour and Bad books of all times’. On a similar note we can classifyRead MoreThe Positive And Negative Effects Of Uniforms1316 Words   |  6 Pagesbest interest to not have uniforms. Forcing kids to wear uniforms is not just wrong, but it is unconstitutional. When children are forced to wear uniforms, it is the same thing as trying to make them all the same. By changing how a kid dresses, does not change who they are. All it does is mask the originality and individuality each individual kid has. Every religion is different and it is practically impossible to make a uniform to fit every religion type. Therefore making it impossible to have

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gold And The Gods Jewels Of Ancient Nubia - 1557 Words

Jewels from Tombs of Ancient Nubia Include Rare Works of Gold and Precious Materials BOSTON, MA (June 23, 2014)—A world-class collection of jewels from ancient Nubia at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), will go on view this summer in Gold and the Gods: Jewels of Ancient Nubia. The MFA’s collection of Nubian adornments is the most comprehensive outside Khartoum—the result of an early 20th-century expedition by the Museum with Harvard University. The exhibition opens on July 19, and includes works by Nubian goldsmiths and jewelers, who were among the most innovative in the ancient world. Featuring some 100 excavated ornaments dating from 1700 BC to AD 300, which will be on view in the Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation Gallery, the exhibition explores the royal tombs of kings and queens, which were filled with elaborate jewelry such as necklaces, amulets, stacked bracelets and earrings. The MFA is unique in its ability to mount an exhibition of Nubian jewelry and adornment drawn exclusively from its own collection. In addition to gold––Nubia’s most important commodity––jewelry in the exhibition incorporates precious materials such as lapis lazuli (imported from Afghanistan), blue chalcedony (imported from Turkey), amethystine quartz and carnelian, as well as enamel and glass––both of which were rare and valuable new technologies at the time. The exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated MFA Publication on Nubian jewelry. â€Å"The Nubian Nile valley wasShow MoreRelatedStolen Egyptian Artifacts1836 Words   |  8 Pagestheir soil, and in their museums. The only problem is, is that the countries that have these artifacts will not give them back because they are afraid the relics are not safe in Egypt. The British Museum in London stated that these early examples of ancient artwork, religion, and writing belong to all mankind, not just Egypt. To understand why some believe the artifacts are not safe, one need to understand Egypt. Egypt is located north of Sudan, east of Libya, west of Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Corporate Governance and Ethics for Poor Management- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCorporate Governance and Ethics for Poor Management. Answer: Conclusion To conclude, as per my opinion the Hastie Group failed due to its poor management of the international operations. The directors have breached their duties as it was found that the companys risk committee and audit was inactive to a large extent. In addition to this, the board also did not have any inquiring mind. The corporate governance principles should have been applied in an effective manner in order to yield better outcomes. The acquisition strategy could have been implemented in a better manner. Moreover, the operational management processes could have been better and in an adequate manner, in order to gain competitive advantage. There were other issues like inappropriate management reporting systems, board reporting systems, financial reports and others. Bibliography Rose, P., Sharfman, B. S. (2014). Shareholder Activism as a Corrective Mechanism in Corporate Governance.BYU L. Rev., 1015.