Monday, May 25, 2020

My Life For A Road Trip - 1323 Words

Change It was the hottest summer in California, and of course this is the time my parents’ decided this would be a good time for a road trip. We went to LA for the weekend to visit my Grandma Jane and Grandpa Albert, but it was time to head back to Colorado where we had no beaches, but the air was somewhat cooler. All four of us--Mom, Dad, my older brother Eric, and myself, Chloe--all crowded in a 10 year old Subaru Outback with all the stuff we brought along. The air was blasting out of all the vents yet it wasn t doing much to counteract the hot sun shining through the window. It might not have been one of the best memories of my childhood, but I found myself holding on to it, because we were all together as a family. It s only been three years since the trip, but it felt like ten years had gone by. Eric was in college, and I had just started high school. It was September 21st, the day my parents told me that Dad was moving out and they decided to get a divorce. I sat in bed wondering What did i do? I kept on replaying the moment when they told me. I remember it started to get cold and rainy. From the moment I woke up I could feel something different. I thought it was just the weather that was changing, but it was something bigger. After lunch Mom and Dad sat me down on the brown leather couch between the two of them. Oh no. They just looked at each other. Mom took a breath and said straight out, â€Å"Chloe, I m sorry, butShow MoreRelatedMy Life For A Road Trip1323 Words   |  6 PagesIt was the hottest summer in California, and of course this is the time my parents’ decided this would be a good time for a road trip. We went to LA for the weekend to visit my Grandma Jane and Grandpa Albert, but it was time to head back to Colorado where we had no beaches, but the air was somewhat cooler. All four of us--Mom, Dad, my older brother Eric, and myself, Chloe--all crowded in a 10 year old Subaru Outback with all the stuff we brought along. 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