Friday, August 21, 2020

How To Host Subdomain On Different Server Account

How To Host Subdomain On Different Server Account Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!How To Host Subdomain On Different Server AccountUpdated On 08/02/2016Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : Web HostingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogIf you are planning to point or host subdomain on different server web hosting, then you dont need to worry much, its just a small record change.Recently we were experimenting with our blogs subdomain for hosting a forum. We had so many choices like bbPress, Discourse, and other open source forums, so we decided to give each a try on our demo blogs before finalizing one. HellBound Bloggers (HBB) is hosted on A Small Orange (ASO) at the moment, but we wanted to test our forum on our subdomain on a different server, we picked InMotion Hosting for this.WANT TO HAVE A WORDPRESS.ORG BLOG ON YOUR (SUB)DOMAIN NAME?How To Install With Your cPanel (Simple Guide)Even though I know this is p ossible with the help of type A record, I havent personally done this much anywhere. So I decided to share my experience + this simple tip to point your subdomain to a different server account, thanks to DNS configuration.You can do this via two ways:1) Using your Domain Registrar (say GoDaddy)2) Using your Web Hosting Provider (say InMotion Hosting)But unfortunately, some of the domain registrars wont allow us to edit their DNS records if we are not hosting with them, if you face any such issues, then you can always opt for the cPanel option, which is pretty same and easy.READVirtual Private Server (VPS) Explained!Host Subdomain On Different ServerLog into your cPanel account. Head over to the Domains section, under that, pick the Advanced Zone Editor option. You can refer the screenshot below:Now, well be adding a type A record so that your subdomain points to a different server. Pick the Type as A, Name as the subdomain name (say blog, forum, etc.), TTL (Time-to-live) as default one or 14400, and Address as your I.P. Address of the server you want to host your subdomain. If you are not sure about the IP Address, you can contact your web hosting support or check your welcome/installation email.Do check what you have typed twice or thrice, then click on the Add Record button. Thats all you have to do.HELLBOUND BLOGGERS (HBB) PARTNERS WITH INMOTION HOSTING (25% OFF FOR YOU):Check Out InMotion Hosting For %25 Off Discount (Exclusive For HBB Readers)Thats it! Now you have to wait for some time for the DNS to propagate. We did this for our forum recently, and it worked like a charm. If you have any other queries do let us know in the comments below.

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